Pour yourself a nice warm cup of tea, wrap up in your favorite cozy quilt and come have a seat...it's story time.
First of all, welcome again to the NEW Farmer’s Body. We’ve got the same great products with the same wholesome ingredients … our look just got a bit of an update.
So, why the change?
Well, there’s a story, of course . . . Before my grandmother passed away, I sat with her while she made a beautiful geometric flower quilt in a traditional pattern called “Cathedral Windows”. She painstakingly stitched every piece of that quilt completely by hand, and it is absolutely magnificent. It contains pieces of my grandmother's life. A bit of scrap from baby clothes she made, a dress she sewed, some birthday jammies.

While she was working on the quilt, I sat with her and absorbed the stories she told me, the techniques she shared, as well as the wisdom she bestowed upon me. (This quilt was actually on my wedding altar when I married my husband . . . “gasp” . . . over 17 years ago.)
My grandma passed away in the summer of 2021 and the one thing I asked for was the Cathedral Windows quilt. My Aunt knew exactly where to find it and I carried it and a piece of my grandmother back to Vermont with me on the plane.
Now, I have this precious, memory filled quilt hanging in the soap studio. It’s a testiment to traditional wisdom, traditional handcrafting and the resiliency of strong women. It’s a reminder of the love, dedication, and hard work that it takes to make something truly beautiful, something lasting.
When I began Farmer’s Body, I was one woman on a mission to make a line of skincare products with farm safe ingredients available to everyone. I wanted to connect and support other women through this process. Now, years later, I employ six strong women in the soap studio, I work with women farmers, and I support women-owned businesses.
Although not an exact replication of the image in the quilt, the new Farmer’s Body logo was inspired by the petal designs in my grandmother’s quilt. It is a tribute to the strong women of our past, present, and future, and to the traditional wisdom that I use to create the very best products with the very best ingredients for everyone.