Are you one of the many people who has thought this question as your slippery, sudsy bar soap slid off of your fingertips and landed on the floor? Did you scramble to pick it up as quickly as possible so that it didn’t get “dirty”?
The good news is that soap is meant to get dirty – because that’s how YOU get clean. A quick 15 second scrub with the bar soap under some water will wash off any lingering germs from your not-so-clean shower floor (if your floor is shiny clean, then kudos to you – the soap is still clean, too!).
Here’s the thing about bar soap (or soap in general) – it is made to attract oils and dirt while repelling water. So when you use the soap to wash the dirt off of your hands and your body, the soap attaches to the dirt and oil and then washes down the drain with the water that you use to rinse off your hands/body. (If you want to read more about how our bar soap is made, check out our blog post here.)
Technically, bar soap does get dirty because you’re using it to wash the dirt away, but it’s not any dirtier when it lands on the floor than when you use it to wash your body/hands. And if you’re worried about any germs that might get transferred from the floor to your bar of soap, just scrub the bar for about 15 seconds and rinse it off. Any dirt that might have attached itself to the soap from the floor will be rinsed away!

Aaaaand, don't forget to use a soap dish that will help your bar soap stay dry (and clean) in between uses!
Ultimately, the answer to the question above is: is your shower floor dirty or clean? 😂
Either way, handcrafted bar soap is a great way to get your hands and body clean (without using harsh chemicals or detergents) as well as keep your skin moisturized.