Barred Woods Maple

Barred Woods Maple

Farmers Barb, Matt, Charlotte, and Dawn

Maple Syrup

Barred Woods Maple is located just a couple hours north of the Farmer’s Body studio in Belvidere, Vermont, where they have a sugar house and give tours to anyone who stops by. Barred Woods Maple was started by four friends, Barb, Matt, Charlotte, and Dawn, who had previously worked together at the same company.

They started their business small by learning to make maple syrup from the trees in their backyard. They quickly fell in love with it and created their own business in 2015. The goal of their business was not just to produce delicious maple syrup but to also contribute to their community with jobs, aid in land and wildlife conservation, and lessen the impact of global warming.

Barred Woods Maple's maple syrup is found in our Vermont Maple with Jersey Cream Bar Soap, Foaming Soap, and Lip Balm.